Unit: Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (N) » Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering
ul. I. Łukasiewicza 3/5, 50-371 Wrocław
building B-4, room 5.16
phone +48 71 320 3970
Office hours
- Tuesday 16.00-18.00
- Thursday 14.00-16.00
Research fields
- decision theory; game theory; stochastic optimisation; statistics; behavioural economics and biology.
Recent papers
- Fokkink, R., Kikuta, K., & Ramsey, D. (2017). The search value of a set. Annals of Operations Research, 256(1), 63-73.
- Alpern, S., Katrantzi, I., & Ramsey, D. M. (2013). Partnership formation with age-dependent preferences. European Journal of operational research, 225(1), 91-99.
- Ramsey, D. M. (2012). Partnership formation based on multiple traits. European Journal of Operational Research, 216(3), 624-637.
- Ramsey, D. M. (2008). A large population job search game with discrete time. European Journal of Operational Research, 188(2), 586-602.
- Collins, E. J., McNamara, J. M., & Ramsey, D. M. (2006). Learning rules for optimal selection in a varying environment: mate choice revisited. Behavioral Ecology, 17(5), 799-809.
Papers in DONA database