Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Mining
ul. Na Grobli 15, 40-421 Wrocław
building L-1 (Geocentrum), room 246
phone +48 71 320 4864
Office hours
In the summer semester of the 2023/2024 academic year office hours are organized
on the following days at the following hours
Tuesdays from 11:00 to 13:00
Wednesdays from 12:00 to 13:00
Thursdays from 10:00 to 12:00
1. in room 246 (building L-1)
2. online via Zoom (to join click on the link Passcode: 416627)
Research fields
- Natural hazards in underground and surface mines: recognizing, prevention and fighting (gas and rock outbursts, methane and carbon dioxide hazard, tremors and rockbursts); shale (blue) gas; higher hydrocarbons (prospecting and exploitation, applied geophysics; mine geophysics; geology, well logging; drilling technology; gravimetry in geodesy.
Recent papers
- Gogolewska A., Tomczak N., Correlation between the length of waiting time after group blasting and rock-burst prevention effectiveness-case study from a polish copper mine. W: 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017, 29 June-5 July, 2017, Albena, Bulgaria: conference proceedings. Vol. 17, Science and technologies in geology, exploration and mining. Iss. 13, Exploration and mining. Sofia: STEF92 Technology, cop. 2017. s. 167-174 (International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM), ISSN 1314-2704.
- Gogolewska A., Jakubiak J., Impact of the pace and advance of exploitation on the seismic hazard-case study from a polish copper mine. W: 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2017, 29 June-5 July, 2017, Albena, Bulgaria: conference proceedings. Vol. 17, Science and technologies in geology, exploration and mining. Iss. 13, Exploration and mining. Sofia: STEF92 Technology, cop. 2017. s. 399-406 (International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM), ISSN 1314-2704.
- Grzybek I., Gogolewska A., Spatial and depth distribution of methane and carbon dioxide contents in the selected areas of the Wałbrzych Coal District. W: Gas hazard in the near-surface zone of the Wałbrzych Coal District caused by coal mine closure: geological and geochemical controls. Ed. by Maciej J. Kotarba. Kraków: Society of Research on Environmental Changes Geosphere, 2002. s. 53-68.
Papers in DONA database