Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
ul. Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław
building L-1 (Geocentrum), room 362,
phone 71 320 68 27.
Office hours (summer semester 2021/2022
- Monday13:00-15:00
- Thursday 13.00-15.00
Link ZOOM:
Research fields
Recent papers
- Anna Kopeć, Natalia Bugajska, Wojciech J. Milczarek, Dariusz Głąbicki: Long-term monitoring of the impact of mining operations on the ground surface at the regional scale based on the InSAR-SBAS technique, the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland) case study. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia. 2022, vol. 19, nr 1, s. 93-110,
- Wojciech J. Milczarek, Anna M. Kopeć, Dariusz Głąbicki, Natalia Bugajska: Induced seismic
events - distribution of ground surface displacements based on InSAR methods and Mogi and Yang
models. Remote Sensing. 2021, vol. 13, nr 8, art. 1451, s. 1-21,
- Anna M. Kopeć, Paweł M. Trybała, Dariusz Głąbicki, Anna Buczyńska, Karolina Owczarz,
Natalia Bugajska, Patrycja Kozińska, Monika Chojwa, Agata Gattner: Application of remote
sensing, GIS and machine learning with geographically weighted regression in assessing the impact
of hard coal mining on the natural environment. Sustainability. 2020, vol. 12, nr 22,
- Milczarek W., Kopec, A., Głąbicki D., Estimation of Tropospheric and Ionospheric Delay in DInSAR Calculations: Case Study of Areas Showing (Natural and Induced) Seismic Activity. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 621,
- Blachowski, J., Kopec, A., Milczarek W., Owczarz, K. Evolution of Secondary Deformations Captured by Satellite Radar Interferometry: Case Study of an Abandoned Coal Basin in SW Poland. Sustainability 2019, 11, 884,
- Anna M. Kopeć, Andrzej Kwinta: Osiadanie powierzchni terenu z tytułu sczerpywania wody - wyznaczanie technikami InSAR. Przegląd Górniczy. 2019, nr 1, s. 27-32.
Papers in DONA database