Unit: Faculty of Civil Engineering » Department of Mechanics of Structures and Urban Areas Engineering
Wybrzeże Wyspińskiego 27, Wrocław
bud.C-7, room 605
tel. 71 320 3779
Office hours in the winter semester 2024/25:
- Monday 18:00 - 20:00 /on-line MS Teams/
- Thuesday 12:00 - 14:00 /building C-7 room 605/
Teaching materials for current classes on the e-Portalu
Teaching work:
- didactic classes at first- and second-cycle studies and postgraduate studies, in day and extramural mode, in Polish and English: General Mechanics, Fundamentals of Structural Statics, Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics, Symbolic-Numerical Mechanics of Structures, Dynamics.
Scientific interests:
- building dynamics
- vibration measurements and analysis
- modal analysis
- evolutionary methods
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