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Faculty of Computer Science and Management

Joanna Krupa-Kurzynowska, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics

joanna_krupa_pwr.jpgOffice hours

  • Tuesday - 9.30-11.00




Research fields

  • environmental analysis, GIS, gemorphology, geoarchaeology, knowledge transfer, design thinking.

Recent papers


  • Masojc M., Nassr A., Kim J.Y., Krupa-Kurzynowska J., Sohn Y.K., Szmit M., Kim J.Ch., Kim J.S., Choi H.W., Wieczorek M., Timmermannh A., 2019 Saharan green corridors and Middle Pleistocene hominin dispersals across the Eastern Desert, Sudan, Journal of Human Evolution, 130, 141-150.


  • Jarzyna K., Krupa J., Zieliński A., 2017, The use of archived precipitation data in the assessment of soil erosion risk in the Świętokrzyskie Province of central-southern Poland, Geology, Geophysics & Environment, 43, 3, 201-211.


  • Krupa J., 2015, Natural and anthropogenic channel pattern changes in the mid-mountain valley during the Late Glacial and Holocene, Polish Uplands, Quaternary International, vol. 370, pp. 55-65, doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2014.12.045
  • Frączek M., Borzychowski J., Kalicki T., Krupa J., 2015, Digital geomorphological map of Gorce national park: preliminary results. Part 1, Physical geography and geomorphology, 1(77), 115 – 123,
  • Frączek M., Borzychowski J., Kalicki T., Krupa J., 2015, Digital geomorphological map of Gorce national park: preliminary results. Part 2, Physical geography and geomorphology, 2 (78), 109 – 115.

Papers in DONA database

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