Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Mining
ul. Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław
building L-1 (Geocentrum), room 244
phone +48 71 320 6885
Office hours
- Wednesday 11.00-14.00
- Saturday 8.00-9.00
Research fields
- Extraterrestrial resources in Solar System; noble gas isotopes in meteorites; cosmochemistry; thermophysical properties of extraterrestrial matter.
Recent papers
- Łuszczek K., Wach R., 2014, NWA 6255 meteorite - thermophysical properties of interior and the crust, Meteorites vol. 3, 33-44.
- Łuszczek K., 2014, Potential metallic resources of the asteroid belt, International Forum of students and young researchers Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources, Sankt Petersburg 23-25.04.2014, 134-136.
- Łuszczek K., 2013, Chemical composition of Gao Guenie (H5) as a hint for potential metallic resources of parent bodies of H chondrites, Interdyscyplinarne zagadnienia w górnictwie i geologii, vol. IV, Drzymała J., Ciężkowski W. [eds.], Wrocław.
- Łuszczek K., Przylibski T.A., 2013, Resources of selected metals in parent bodies of ordinary chondrites, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, vol. 48/7, #5075.
- Łuszczek K., Dalcher N., Leya I., 2012, Cosmogenic and radiogenic noble gases in Sołtmany L6 chondrite, Meteorites vol. 2, 39-43, 2012.
Papers in DONA database