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Faculty of Computer Science and Management

Leszek Woźny, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering » Department of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals

pl. Grunwaldzki 13, 50-377 Wrocław
building D-1, room 17 (ground floor)
phone  +48 71 320 2586

Office hours

  • Monday 11.00-13.00
  • Tuesday 9.00-11.00

Research fields

  • investigations of acoustic emission phenomenon; piezoelectric materials solid state properties.

Recent papers


  • Nowak-Woźny D., Woźny L., González Valdés L., Dielectric loss factor of sintered coal ash, Energy and Fuels 2016, Kraków, Poland, September 21-23, 2016, W. Suwała, M. Dudek, J. Leszczyński and S. Łopata (Eds.), EDP Sciences, 2017, art. 02023, ss. 1-8,


  • Woźny L., Kisiel A., Łysy K., Acoustic emission during fracture of ceramic superconducting materials, 8th National Scientific Conference Advances in Electrotechnology: Postępy w Elektrotechnologii, 23–25 September 2015, Jamrozowa Polana, IOP Publishing, 2016, art. 012020, ss. 1-6,
  • Woźny L., Kisiel A., Garbera A., The interaction between the permanent magnet and ceramic superconductor with organic filler, 8th National Scientific Conference Advances in Electrotechnology: Postępy w Elektrotechnologii, 23–25 September 2015, Jamrozowa Polana, IOP Publishing, 2016, art. 012021, ss. 1-4.


  • Woźny L., Ziaja J., Kisiel A., The ceramic superconductors doped by ZrO2-CeO3 in sol-gel method, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference ELMECO-8, Electromagnetic devices and processes in environment protection joint with 11th Seminar AoS-11: applications of superconductors, September 28-October 01, 2014, Nałęczów, Poland. Lublin, Politechnika Lubelska, 2014, ss. 41-42.

Papers in DONA database

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2024