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Faculty of Computer Science and Management

Mateusz Wośko, DSc, PhD, Eng


Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology

ul. Długa 61-65, 53-633 Wrocław
building M-4, room 114
phone +48 71 320 4990

Office hours

  • poniedziałek 9.00-11.00 (building M-4, room 114)
  • wtorek 9.00-11.00 (building C-2, room 306)

Research fields

  • Epitaxy; AIII-N materials (nitrides) technology.

Recent papers


  • Wośko M., Paszkiewicz B., Szymański T., Paszkiewicz R., Comparison of electrical, optical and structural properties of epitaxially grown HEMT's type AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures on Al2O3, Si and SiC substrates. Superlattices and Microstructures. 2016, vol. 100, s. 619-626.
  • Szymański T., Wośko M., Paszkiewicz B., Serafińczuk J., Drzik M., Paszkiewicz R., Stress control by micropits density variation in strained AlGaN/GaN/SiN/AlN/Si(111) heterostructures. Crystal Research and Technology. 2016, vol. 51, nr 3, s. 225-230.
  • Szymański T., Wośko M., Paszkiewicz B., Paszkiewicz B., Paszkiewicz R., Sankowska I., Growth and coalescence control of inclined c-axis polar and semipolar GaN multilayer structures grown on Si(111), Si(112), and Si(115) by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A, Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 2016, vol. 35, nr 5, art. 051504, s. 1-8.


  • Wośko M., Paszkiewicz B., Szymański T., Paszkiewicz R., Optimization of AlGaN/GaN/Si(111) buffer growth conditions for nitride based HEMTs on silicon substrates. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2015, vol. 414, s. 248-253.
  • Wośko M., Paszkiewicz B., Vincze A., Szymański T., Paszkiewicz R., GaN/AlN superlattice high electron mobility transistor heterostructures on GaN/Si(111). Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Solid State Physics. 2015, vol. 252, nr 5, s. 1195-1200.

Papers in DONA database

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