Unit: Faculty of Electronics, Photonics and Microsystems (N) » Department of Acoustics, Multimedia and Signal Processing
ul. Z. Janiszewskiego 7/9, 50-372 Wrocław
building C-5, room 508
phone +48 71 320 2830
Office hours
- Monday 11.00-13.00
- Tuesday 7.30-9.30
Research fields
- Electroacoustic devices; audio systems; acoustical measurements; speech intelligibility.
Recent papers
- Dziechciński P., Audio and sound level monitoring in electroacoustic systems. W: Signal evaluation and monitoring in sound engineering / Andrzej Dobrucki (ed.). [B.m.]: Audio Engineering Society - Polish Section; Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji, Handlu i Usług JAKOPOL, 2014. s. 39-48.
- Rudno-Rudziński K., Dziechciński P., Reverberation time of Wrocław Opera hause after restoration. Archives of Acoustics. 2006, vol. 31, nr 4, suppl., s. 247-252.
- Dziechciński P., Comparison of digital loudspeaker - equalization techniques, Archives of Acoustics. 2005, vol. 30, nr 2, s. 193-216.
Papers in DONA database