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Faculty of Computer Science and Management

Prof. Radomír Goňo, DSc, PhD, Eng


Unit: Faculty of Electrical Engineering » Department of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals

Office: p. 134 D-1 , Office hours:


23/05/2019 Professor, VŠB-TUO, field: Electrical Power Engineering

02/12/2008 Docent - Associate Professor, VŠB-TUO, Department of Electrical Power Engineering

10/06/04 First Certificate in English, University of Cambridge

19/06/03 State Exam in English, State Language School of Ostrava

22/06/00 Doctoral degree (Ph.D.), VŠB-TUO, Department of Electrical Power Engineering

15/06/95 Master degree (Ing.), VŠB-TUO, Department of Electrical Power Engineering

25/01/95 Certificate of Pedagogical ability, Pedagogical Faculty of University of Ostrava

Work experience

2019 - today Profesor - VŠB-TUO, Department of Electrical Power Engineering

04/2009 - today Deputy head of the department, VŠB-TUO, Department of Electrical Power Engineering

10/2010 - 12/2019 Senior researcher, VŠB-TUO, CENET

2009 - 2019 Docent - Associate Professor, VŠB-TUO, Department of Electrical Power Engineering

2007 - 2008 Assistant professor - VŠB-TUO, Department of Electrical Power Engineering

2005 (May - October) Research stay, Akita University, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Japan

01/03/99 - 30/04/2007 Research worker, VŠB-TUO, Department of Electrical Power Engineering

1998 (July - September) Technical experience in Israel Electric Company, corp., electrical department of power station, Israel

1998 - 2002 Computer trainer - European Institute of Information Technology Education, Ostrava

1995 - 2000 Pedagogical and research activity connected to Ph.D. study, VŠB-TUO

Teaching activities

Guarantee of bachelor study programme Electrical Power Engineering.

Guarantee of following bachelor, master and doctoral subjects: Power Stations, Power Station Facilities.

Guarantee of seminars in following subjects of bachelor and master study programmes: Power Station Facilities, Control and Reliability of Electrical Systems, Operation and Control of Electrical Systems and Power Stations.

Repeated tutorial stay within the scope of ERASMUS programme.

Member of committee for state examinations and defence of scientific theses.

Supervisor of the Doctoral study programs for Electrical Power Engineering study field.

Member of doctoral studies board at FEEC Brno University of Technology.

Research interests

Research work is focused on reliability of electric power systems, optimization of maintenance (RCM) and renewable energy sources.

Participation in solution of the grant projects and industrial contracts at the home department VSB-TUO.

Principal researcher of the projects:

Projects of International Visegrad Fund, Česko-německý fond budoucnosti, Intererg
Several SGS projects from VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
GAČR 102/02/P016: The Formation and Analysis of the Failure and Planned Outage Databases for Reliability Evaluation of Electrical Power Devices.

Participation in solution of the research projects:

Program EUPRO II, projekt EERA_CZ: Umožnění zapojení výzkumných organizací do Evropské aliance pro energetický výzkum, Joint Programme on Smart Grids
Program NPU I, projekt LO1404: Trvale udržitelný rozvoj Centra ENET
OP VaVpI CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0069: ENET – Energetické jednotky pro využití netradičních zdrojů energie
GAČR 102/09/1842: Reliable Electric Power Network with Connected Alternative Power Sources
Research plan CEZ MSM6198910007: Research of the reliability of power systems in connection with non-traditional ecological sources of energy and valuation of unsupplied energy
AVČR T100300414: Intelligent methods for increasing of reliability of electrical networks
International project FP5 GTC2-2000-33043: Safety and Reliability of Industrial Products, Systems and Structures (SAFERELNET)
Older projects - Research plan CEZ MSM 272400014, research projects GAČR 102/03/1539 and 102/99/1158, CPIT

Awards or fellowships
Rector award for excellent results in the scientific research in 2010 and 2011
Grant Japan MIF - recipient of the MIF Fellowship 2005
GA ČR Grant Agency of the Czech Republic 2001 - 2003 Research fellowship
Cena ČEZ 2000 - Czech energy company Award for third-best Ph.D. Thesis

IEEE Senior Member
Český komitét CIRED

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