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Faculty of Computer Science and Management

Renata Grzywa, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Chemistry » Department of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry

Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 29, 50-371 Wrocław
building A-2, room 217
phone +48 71 320 2462

Research fields

  • Medicinal chemistry; design and synthesis of inhibitors; enzyme kinetics; immunochemistry; biochemistry.

Recent papers


  • Gruba N., Rodriguez Martinez J.I., Grzywa R., Wysocka M., Skoreński M., Burmistrz M., Łęcka M., Lesner A., Sieńczyk M., Pyrć K., Substrate profiling of Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease. FEBS Lett. 2016 Oct;590(20):3459-3468.


  • Grzywa R., Burchacka E., Łęcka M., Winiarski Ł., Walczak M., Łupicka-Słowik A., Wysocka M., Burster T., Bobrek K., Csencsits-Smith K., Lesner A., Sieńczyk M., Synthesis of novel phosphonic-type activity-based probes for neutrophil serine proteases and their application in spleen lysates of different organisms. Chembiochem. 2014 Nov 24;15(17):2605-12.
  • Grzywa R., Łupicka-Słowik A., Walczak M., Idzi M., Bobrek K., Boivin S., Gaweł A., Stefaniak T., Oleksyszyn J., Sieńczyk M., Highly sensitive detection of cancer antigen 15-3 using novel avian IgY antibodies. ALTEX. 2014;31(1):43-52.


  • Grzywa R., Sieńczyk M., Phosphonic esters and their application of protease control. Curr Pharm Des. 2013;19(6):1154-78.


  • Grzywa R., Oleksyszyn J., First synthesis of alpha-aminoalkyl-(N-substituted)thiocarbamoyl-phosphinates: inhibitors of aminopeptidase N (APN/CD13) with the new zinc-binding group. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2008 Jul 1;18(13):3734-6.

Papers in DONA database

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2024