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Faculty of Computer Science and Management

Sebastian Wróblewski, DSc, PhD, Eng, Arch


Unit: Faculty of Architecture » Department of Architecture Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Landscape

ul. B. Prusa 53/55, 50-317 Wrocław
building E-5, room 301, 302
phone +48 71 320 6295
secretariat phone +48 71 320 6448



Sebastian Wróblewski is the author of the monographic book on court and prison architecture from the 19th century  and 46 publications, articles etc. 3 of them are indexed in Web of Science

Research interests :
The history and revalorization problems of the 19th century urban planning
Architecture of the 2nd half of the 19th century
Modernist architecture from the interwar period
Applied art and art in public spaces - contemporary and historical approach

Latest publications, papers and articles:


Sebastian Wróblewski
Vita brevis, Ars longa – applied art and modernist architecture in Poland: Transformation of approach to applied art and contemporary protection. Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo = Museology and Cultural Heritage. 2022, vol. 10, nr 2, s. 61-76.


Bogna Ludwig, Agnieszka M. Lisowska, Dorota Balińska-Ciężki, Grażyna Balińska, Sebastian Wróblewski

Method of developing conservation guidelines for revitalisation of the historical urban ensembles cultural landscape. Architecture Civil Engineering Environment. 2020, vol. 13, nr 1, s. 57-76.

2019 ::

Neo-Gothic mausoleum of baron von Lachmann-Falkenau in Jałowiec (Wingendorf). Architectus. 2019, nr 2, s. 3-14.

Neo-gothic 2.0. Notes on neo-gothic costumes and inspirations in contemporary architecture of Poland. W: 11. Architektura v perspektive 2019 = Architecture in perspective : sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference / ed. Martina Peřinková, Sandra Jüttnerová, Lucie Videcká. Ostrava : VSB - Technicka univerzita Ostrava, 2019. s. 322-327.

The city of redemption. Large prison structures in the wilhelmine period of german empire. Spatial plans, structure, architectural costumes. W: 6th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings. Vol. 6, Science & Arts, issue 6.1, Cultural studies, ethnology and folklore, literature and poetry, history of arts, contemporary arts, performing and visual arts, architecture and design, 11-14 April, 2019, Vienna, Austria. Sofia : STEF92 Technology, cop. 2019. s. 537-544. (SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts), ISSN 2367-5659


[nr ewid. PWr: 423230, W01]


Rector of the Wrocław Univeristy of Technology Award -  2012 , 2019

Bronze medal for longterm service  granted by the  President of Poland - 2017.

Professional and social acitivity

  • Member of the Śląska Okręgowa Izba Architektów ( Silesian Departament of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland) (SL-0307) from  2002
  • Delegate elected  for the office term: 2018-2022 in the  Regional Convention of the Silesian Departament of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland
  • Author- main architect and designer of over 150 buildings


  • In the period 2008-2020 promoter of over 50 sudents diplomas ( Both Eng and MA - Spatial Managment and Architecture and Urban Planning Dep.)



Office hours/ consultations - room 302/ E5

Mondays 6.30 -8.30  pm. and Tuesdays 10.00-12.00 am

- online  same days - after pre-booking of hour


Wroblewski Sebastian is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Wroblewski Sebastian's Konsultacje
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Meeting ID: 981 2889 1228
Passcode: 941755

During diploma workshop week all consultations are online. Please pre book your time via e mail


Link for classes during diploma workshops

Wroblewski Sebastian zaprasza Cię na zaplanowane spotkanie Zoom.

Temat: Conservation design Urban Interiors and Lecture Protection of Heritage
Czas: Jest to spotkanie cykliczne Spotkanie w dowolnym momencie

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