Wydział Informatyki i Zarządzania

Wykłady prof. Dalii Kriksciuniene z Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego

Data: 07.06.2018

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Data: 13.06.2018
Miejsce wydarzenia: Wydział Informatyki i Zarządzania

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Zaplanowane są dwa wykłady dla studentów pt. „DEA based algorithm for integrated efficiency evaluation” oraz „Complex decision making by analytical hierarchical proces”. Wykłady odbędą 13 czerwca o godz. 7.30 oraz o 17.05 w sali 118, C3.

Ponadto, w ramach międzyuczelnianego seminarium naukowego “Inteligencja Kolektywna w Systemach Informacyjnych” 13 czerwca o godz. 15.15 w sali 118, C3 odbędzie się seminarium dla pracowników naukowych I doktorantów. Tematem seminarium będzie „Integrated models and metrics for efficiency evaluation”.

Dalia Kriksciuniene is a professor at the Institute of Applied Informatics at Vilnius University in Lithuania. Her research interests include application of computational intelligence, soft computing, anomaly detection methods and models in various business domains, such as marketing, customer behavior, e-commerce, financial markets. She is member of Program committees at the scientific conferences, co-chairs the annual scientific conferences, has published over 70 articles, the ISI Wos publications among them. Dalia Kriksciuniene is the Associate editor of the journal Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (Elsevier) and is an expert of the H2020 project calls.

During the seminar the recent research results in the area of evaluating efficiency of the medical systems will be presented. The research addresses challenges of quality and performance evaluation based on periodically repeated surveys of the health institutions and country statistics. The proposed method entails development of integrated quality evaluation, data envelopment analysis, and application of analytical hierarchical process.

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